Are you alarmed by how frequently you’re falling sick? Do you feel your immune system is failing you? Do you think your habits are to be blamed? Do you want to help improve your immune system? If you gave us an enthusiastic “YES!”, the below tips and suggestions are just for you.
Kill those habits that’s killing your body – we all have habits that are slowly killing our bodies; and we are well aware of them. Whether it’s our drinking habits, smoking habits, or even the habit of eating out every single meal; it’s time we put a stop to it. Slowly, but steadily.
- Change your food habits – even if you can’t let go of junk food and eating out completely, you can make a few changes to help our immune systems. For one, try and consume more home cooked meals; even if you only have time for just one such meal each day. It’s vital that you’re aware of what’s going into your body. If you feel you can’t consume the necessary nutrition the natural way, consider getting nutrition health supplements.
- Improve your sleep quality – lack of sleep, and bad quality sleep can make a major impact on your immune system. Give it a break; go to bed early whenever possible. Aim to grab 7-9 hours of sleep, at least twice a week. Embrace the art of napping. Trust us, this will reduce the need for visiting your doctor and spending on your online pharmacy!
- Include some form of exercising into your daily schedule – we are well aware that busy schedules make it nearly impossible to properly embrace the exercise culture. But despite that, it’s vital that you introduce and include some form of exercising into your daily schedule. Start your day with a workout, or end it with a session of vigorous dancing. At the very least, try to walk or bike to work. Keep your limbs active all day long.
- Drink plenty of water – water has a miraculous effect on our body and so, in our immune system as well. With the recent change in climate, and our habits of being around electronics all day long, our bodies are suffering with dehydration. Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go, and have a few stocked in your car and work space to motivate yourself to drink plenty.
- Socialize and meet new germs – if you work from home, or if you’re a home maker, chances are that you don’t leave home often enough to help your immune system “practice” fighting the common germs. Resulting in your getting sick the moment you leave home. So go out, socialize, and make new friends. Apart from giving your immune system a fighting chance, it will also make you happier in general…
- Drink plenty of water – water has a miraculous effect on our body and so, in our immune system as well. With the recent change in climate, and our habits of being around electronics all day long, our bodies are suffering with dehydration. Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go, and have a few stocked in your car and work space to motivate yourself to drink plenty.
- Include some form of exercising into your daily schedule – we are well aware that busy schedules make it nearly impossible to properly embrace the exercise culture. But despite that, it’s vital that you introduce and include some form of exercising into your daily schedule. Start your day with a workout, or end it with a session of vigorous dancing. At the very least, try to walk or bike to work. Keep your limbs active all day long.
- Improve your sleep quality – lack of sleep, and bad quality sleep can make a major impact on your immune system. Give it a break; go to bed early whenever possible. Aim to grab 7-9 hours of sleep, at least twice a week. Embrace the art of napping. Trust us, this will reduce the need for visiting your doctor and spending on your online pharmacy!